Should you buy or build? The enterprise guide to developing a guest experience platform

Navigate the world of app development and kickstart your guest experience project.

As an enterprise attraction, you’ve got unique needs. Scalability, customisation, and integration compatibility are all must-haves. Oh, and don’t forget robust analytics and reporting.

So you're faced with a difficult decision. Should you buy an existing guest experience platform, hire an agency to build it for you, or take on the task of building it from scratch?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore:

  • Why guest experience platforms are important for your digital native guests.
  • Your development options, including all of the facts, figures, and costs you need to know.
  • The advantages and challenges of each option.

After reading the guide, you’ll have a strong understanding of:

  • The ins and outs of SaaS platforms, building in-house, and working with an agency.
  • The important factors that inform your decision.
  • The development route that’s right for your attraction.

With our knowledge of the app development world in your arsenal, you’ll be able to confidently start your guest experience project. Download your copy to get started.

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