Still using paper, email, or PDF tickets at your live events? What’s holding you back from making the full leap to digital?
Digital tickets have grown increasingly popular over the past decade, with more and more real-world experiences integrating them into their guest journey as standard, driven by corporate social responsibility (CSR) and a need to provide a seamless guest experience.
Your guests love this shift. According to a report from TicketMaster:
The trend is clear. Digital tickets are beneficial for attractions and live events, and guests are onboard too. It’s time to do away with inefficient ticketing methods and make the jump to digital.
From our experience working with some of the most well-known attractions and events like San Diego Zoo, Alton Towers, and The Jockey Club, digital tickets enable attractions of all sizes to collect richer data and reduce congestion. So, let’s take a deeper dive into why you should make the switch too.
This one’s crucial. No doubt you’re eager to collect more high-quality data about your attendees. If you’re using email or PDF tickets, you’ll struggle to achieve this. Guests will buy their ticket (potentially from a third-party vendor), print them off at home, and finally pass through your admission gates when the event rolls around. What you have learned about them during this process? Not much, all things considered. Even email tickets are viewed in isolation and can't be combined with other behaviours or activities to learn about your attendees.
With digital tickets, every attendee importing their digital tickets into the app will provide you with powerful first-party insights into how they interact with your brand and, subsequently the event itself. You’ll gain visibility across your ticketing process, helping you better allocate resources such as on-site staff, and make improvements for future events.
Using digital tickets housed neatly in a mobile wallet opens up the possibilities for direct communication with the attendee buying the ticket. Push notifications allow you to send highly targeted marketing messages to guests based on their buying behaviours and preferences. For example, you might choose to:
By moving away from outdated ticketing methods, you’re breaking down the barriers between you and your guest and opening up revenue opportunities that weren’t previously available to you.
Physical tickets present a whole host of security issues. Event organisers have to deal with:
There’s a lack of traceability associated with paper or email tickets. Switching to digital alternatives puts the control firmly back in your hands. When guests import their tickets into the app, you can also double up on your security by using verification methods such as requiring a photo ID to ensure only legitimate use.
We know that paper accounts for around 26% of total waste at landfills, and mass-producing single-use paper tickets for live events contributes to that statistic. Aside from the fact we should all be banding together to save our planet, there are some other real benefits to taking an eco-friendly approach to your live events as well:
It’s a clear-cut case: better security, valuable data insights, and saving the planet to boot. Not to mention that your attendees love it too. Digital tickets open up possibilities while taking nothing away from your on-site experience, so now’s the time to embrace digital.
Ready to find out how switching to digital tickets will benefit your live events? Book a discovery call with our experts today to talk about your requirements.